Saturday 6 March 2010

Did someone say nipples??

Life Drawing... Because everything is better when there are naked people involved.
Granted, not every situation needs a naked Chris/Iona, but in arts case, Chris is Mr. Depp and Iona is Miss BabeSexyBiatch.
Hit it girls :


  1. True. So, so true.
    Well these are about as amazing as the rest of your artwork ocean, (which just for reference is like, 5 gold stars in primary school terms) especially the top 2. I wish Malcom could inspire such life drawing royalty among the photography class. But unfortunately, we all hatez him :/
    How I miss April. She was so easy to draw compared to stretchy Chris. (Ewww, no Amy, not that kind of stretchy)

  2. Ha, he is stretchy in every sense of the word :D :D :D
    Iona is good to draw though, although she does feel the need to critique your work as well. patronise much?!
    thank you for those 5 GOLD stars i shall show my mummy them xxx
